联鸿快讯: 2014年 4月 24日美国移民局关于投资移民条例修改的电话会议概要

On April 23, 2014, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) conducted an EB-5 Stakeholder Engagement teleconference to discuss potential revisions to the EB-5 regulations. Nicholas Colucci, Chief of the Immigrant Investor Program, announced on the call that updating the current EB-5 regulations is “[o]ne of the top priorities” for the EB-5 program. “We consider this to be an essential step in improving the program and ensuring predictability, consistency, and efficiency in the processing of EB-5 applications and petitions,” he said. 

2014 年 4 月 23 日,美国移民局召开了一次 EB-5 利益相关者电话会议,主要讨论了有关 EB-5 条例中可能会有的修正。移民签证项目主席 Nicholas Colucci 在电话中宣布,修改现在的 EB-5 条 例是 EB-5 项目的首要任务之一。主席说,“我们认为,这是改进投资移民项目、确保 EB-5 申请 可预测性、统一性和高效性的必要步骤”。  

For years, many in the EB-5 community have pointed out the need for updated EB-5 regulations that better reflect business realities and provide clearer guidance in I-526 and I-829 adjudications. USCIS came one step closer to providing updated regulations yesterday by soliciting ideas from the public that it will consider as it drafts proposed regulatory changes. In addition to yesterday’s teleconference, USCIS announced email and web tools that will be used to gather further ongoing input from the public. Input regarding EB-5 regulatory changes may be emailed to public.engagement@uscis.dsh.gov, or posted to the USCIS Idea Community at www.uscisconnect.ideascale.com. 

多年来,很多人都指出,修改 EB-5 条例从而更准确的反应商业现状,同时在 I-526 和 I-829 审 批中给予更清楚的指示是很有必要的。美国移民局已经向修改 EB-5 条例迈进了一步:昨天他们 征求了公众意见,并会在起草条例过程中考虑大众的意见。除了昨天的电话会议,美国移民局也 宣布了其他采纳公众建议和意见的邮箱和网络途径。有关 EB-5 条例的修改建议可以发邮件到 public.engagement@uscis.dsh.gov,或者在移民局网站 www.uscisconnect.ideascale.com 上发帖。  

Before any EB-5 regulatory changes become final, USCIS must draft and publish its proposed new regulations in the Federal Register and provide the public with an opportunity to submit comments. Thereafter, USCIS must review the comments and take them into consideration before publishing the final regulations (also called “final rule”). USCIS did not provide a specific timeframe for when it intends to publish its proposed regulatory revisions. USCIS reminded everyone that the current EB- 5 regulations will remain in effect until the effective date of a final rule.

在 EB-5 条例修改定稿之前,美国移民局必须把起草好的新条例草案刊登在《联邦公报》上,同时 给公众提供一个发表意见的机会。所以,美国移民局必须要审阅并且考虑到公众的建议,然后才 能宣布最终条例。美国移民局并没有宣布一个具体的公布修正条例草案的时间。同时,移民局现 在的 EB-5 条例将继续有效,一直到新的条例开始生效的那天

